Sunday, November 29, 2009

Looking to the Future with...Hope!

Looking to the future, I am filled with wonder at all of the possibilities before me. I look forward to the end of my school days for a (brief hopefully) period. I need to step back. I need to break away from the grueling schooling for now. Get back to taking care of myself, my house, my life, creating, and see what happens. I will be back one day...hopefully one day soon.

I constantly feel the need to learn and figure things out, so I know that the scholarly life is probably for me. But my problem is that I want to learn the things I am interested in, so the regimented curriculum of schools goes against me and makes the learning process unbearable.

I have plans for my schooling, but I will put those aside and worry about them at a later date. As soon as I know where I'm going with it...I'll let you know!

I can't wait to get back to my writing. I dreamed about my character last night, Nalia. Weird, I know. But she lives inside of me, sighing and gut punching me ever-so-often to make sure I'm aware of her, to make sure I'm grateful for her patience, and to make sure I know how pissed she is that I've neglected her so this past year. I can't wait to hear her story and see how this chapter ends. I'll get to you soon, Nalia. Just give me more time!!

My art has taken me places that I never dreamed. I don't have any ingrained talent. Rather its pure pigheaded-ness and practice. I love it. It's my therapy and each of my pics teaches me something about myself and my life, that I may not have realized this early had it not been created. My ultimate goal is to be able to bring characters and scenes to life to aide me in the writing process. It will all be worth it once I reach that end result.

Health wise, I am reminded every day that I am not as young as I used to be. My body doesn't bounce back well. I feel every ache and pain and change in the weather. I'm only 3o for crying out loud! But that too will be where it needs to be.

This was a great Thanksgiving Day. I spent time with my immediate family and my only "true" remaining aunt and uncle on my dad's side. We gathered at moma's for her wonderful gumbo and potato salad and bread. Stacey and the kids brought turtle pie for desert. It was a great day indeed. Then I went home around 4pm for some studio time. Life is oh so good!

I think often of what might have been...but then I live the life I have made for myself and realize that there is no place else I'd rather be then here...for now!

Mood: hopeful
Drink: water from my new stainless steel water bottle (will have to google the difference between a stainless steel and aluminum water bottle - my old ones are siggs.)
Food: wishing I had some
Music: Christmas tunes playing on the Christmas movie playing in the background
Currently: I'm trying to get around to studying for my last (hopefully ever) French test!!

1 comment:

Winona Cross said...

Keep your dreams. Go for them, but continue to realize life makes us do the things we don't really want to as a means to survival. I understand about Nalia, Rebecca does the same thing to me. Only another writer can understand how our characters speak to us. I feel incredibly guilty b/c I haven't worked on Rebecca in a while. Trying to finish a much overdue synopsis for Long Ridge. Life has forced my real writing into hiatus. I am journaling, reading, and scribbling. Your Daddy is still with you, Mindy. Not physically and I imagine you miss him terribly but he is with you to be sure.