Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Day of R & R

Bonjour. Je suis assez bien. Je suis a la maison.

I'm resting, de-stressing, getting a little R & R. Today was a good day. I worked in my studio for a bit. I have a National Scrapbook Day event coming up at the end of the month and I need to have some pages prepped so I can get right to scrapping on the big day.

I started the prep work on my 2009 Journal - its called Battle of Silence. Ha! Seemed fitting as I have had been in constant battle with silencing my outspoken ways. I also started the prep work for the writers' journal Lynn (conned me out of lol) in exchange for an article for the BWG newsletter and another "project" I'm working on.

It feels good to get back to my paint, to review my art journal books and remember what I love about my fav works from other artists. I've also been pulling images to use on a few spreads - it's nice that my mind gets to play with puzzles again, even for a little bit. Putting layouts or spreads together in my journals are like puzzles: a cat, a cloud and an apple - how do I make this work? Yeah don't ask! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If you've seen my journals, you know what I mean.

I received two free 5-shelf bookcases in pepto bismol pink for the studio. My mom put 2 layers of kilz yesterday (yes the pink still shows through in spots - horrible), and I painted one beige layer. Couldn't even get through the second coat. But it looks great. I can't wait to get them in the studio and start unpacking the 20 rubbermaid containers that are taking up every square foot in my kitchen.

I did some rearranging in the studio. What a mess! The more I move something, I find that at least 3 things that I need to save. I'm such a packrat or lazy, probably both.

I haven't been writing. I need to be. I have no excuses. Maybe tomorrow. I have only a few more days before I have to get back to schoolwork. The time is flying but I just can't seem to force it. The story is there, but I just can't do it.

I watched two movies last night: Australia (Wow Hugh Jackman is HOTTT! My tv is still smoking!) and The Secret Life of Bees. Both great movies. Both had me laughing and in tears. Good stuff!! Just what the doctor ordered.

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