Friday, February 12, 2010

The Turning Tides

It seems I only post when I have some bad news to share. Or maybe its just that there is only bad news going on in my life. Anyways, this was a rough week. I found out that I will be losing hours at both jobs. 15 hrs from my main job and still not sure about the second one.

I've been searching everywhere looking for the next career path for me, and I just haven't found anything. Its hard to find a career path in life when all you know for sure is that you want to eventually be able to write and create art full time. Distant dreams that require more work on my part if I ever hope to fulfill them.

Going to college is a constant goal of mine because I have a constant need to learn new things. Being a college graduate is a goal that I set for myself a long time ago. I wanted to be the first in my family to graduate and that alone is the only reason that motivates me to finish my degree. I am 6 classes away. So close and yet so far. I will graduate one day; in what, it doesn't really matter. But one day I will be able to say, "I started, I stopped, I tried again and again, and I did it. I graduated!"

But regardless, the fact is that my college choices do not affect me in terms of setting the path to lead to my "dream job." I can be a writer and an artist without ever receiving the slip of paper that says I stuck it out, against all odds and without any financial aid. But I want to be a writer and an artist that completed a goal of graduating from college that she set for herself so long ago. But for now this dream is on the back burner as I struggle to find a place for myself in the working world.

Reviewing past choices, I realize that I may have been hasty in my past decisions. But either way, whats done is done and this is the path before me. Sink or swim time.

I had an appointment with a business this week regarding possibly exhibiting my artwork. After being stood up, I had a momentary period of bitterness and depression. But this is only a minor dip...I will find a home for my art soon.

I visited with my critique group for the first time in eons. It felt wonderful. I missed those guys and gal so much. Their input really makes in difference in my writing. We are two short from where we started, and I miss those guys a bunch and pray that life will somehow bring them back to us. But as with all other aspects of life, what will be will be.

I feel that the new amount of "free" time I now find myself with will aid me in my goals. I have a career plan but now I need to work on my writing portfolio. It's time to get things in order. I have a few short stories percolating and a few submissions to send off. It feels so good to be back to my writing. I'm taking an online course on drawing and I love how casual it is. I put creating art to the side while I work on getting my house and art studio back in working order.

Artwise, I'm working on a project called Paint and Pass with 4 fellow artists and friends. I finished my portion of the piece and sent it to the next person on the list. I can't wait to see the finished product which will look great on my wall!

I can now find a balance between my health, home, and career goals, thanks to this new found free time. I can have time to truly work out, work on the relationships that I've neglected this past year with the ups and downs in my life, and sit butt to chair and write, draw, paint, create.

February is a busy month for me. I have so many deadlines for the end of the month, and I'm not quite sure if I will meet them. I mailed off one set of ATCs but I have 3 more sets due by the end of the month. I have a week to go and I better get a move on it.

There is a perfect short story competition that is unfortunately too close to meet, but the theme is one that I'll add to my to do list as its one that I know is a story for me.

My goals are to finish things. Start smaller instead of bigger. Get one level done and accomplished and then move on, "inch by inch, page by page" is my new philosophy.

Good times are up ahead. I put my faith where it belongs and know that I will be taken care of. All I can do is the best that I can do and know that the rest will come.

So I'm off to do a bit of writing before work. The tide is about to change for sure. I can feel it! Happy creating!


Jessica Ferguson said...

Sounds like you're staying busy. Hope you find something soon, and that your art work takes off. We miss you over here.

Winona Cross said...

Mindy--You are on the right path. It is a one step at a time world and you have to trudge through the crap. Finish school! It seems to be one of the constants in your posts. It's important to you and to your family. The other things, of course, are your art and writing. I have told you how much I love both. Keep it up. I can definitely relate to how frustrating it is to have so many "things" pulling at you for attention. One at a time . . . You are loved, never forget that.